Wednesday, January 16, 2008

We have gotten great news! God has answered our prayers. Heart for Ethiopia is a finalist in the Ebay Giving Works contest. It is for Ebay buyers and sellers who donate some or all of their profits to charity. We had to make a 60 second video clip which was quite a task but Uli did a great job. Three winners will receive $5000 for their charity. Winners will be chosen by vote of the Ebay members. You can vote every day from January 11 to 28. In case you don't recognize me, our clip is the second of 4 in the non-profit organization line. Please vote often and email your friends to vote. You can see the clips at

Another praise is that the well drilling is going forward. Ermias wrote that two wells were drilled the first week of January."This week was a week of digging. The second water well which we dug at Awash Belo in Ato Sorsa's compound has attracted the attention of the community. All the communtiy are using only that well for drinking. The chairman of the kebele (commune) has called me so many times and begged us to go and asked us excuse them for their first misinterest."

"Yesterday I was there to dig the second well in this week. I saw a lady was taking water from a hand dug well. I went to her and I saw the well. It fell in on all sides but in the middle it had water. I saw the water and it was not clean. I asked her what they are using it for. She replied that they use it for cooking. When I asked about drinking she said, 'There is one water pipe in our community. We use that for drinking.' The water she speaks about was the one we dug before. Ato Sorsa's wife also said 'It is holy water. Since the time we got this water all our family has become healthy. We are grateful for your helping us to have this water.'

We have lots to be thankful for. Thursday January 17, we go to Ethiopia. Please pray for us and go and vote.

In His Hands, Lauralee and Ray